KK Cibona objavljuje da se gospodin Erwin Dokter, izvršni direktor i osnivač partner tvrtke ZENIQ Corporation, pridružuje kao novi član Skupštine KK Cibona. Gospodin Erwin Dokter donosi ogromno iskustvo u upravljanju sportom i organizacijom događanja u svojoj ulozi novog člana Skupštine KK Cibona.
Erwin ima bogat pozadinski doseg s više od dvadeset i pet godina izravnog iskustva u razvoju svjetskih sportskih tvrtki:
- Kao bivši izvršni direktor tvrtke Highlander Adventure, Erwin je vodio tvrtku prema profitu u okolini usmjerenoj na rezultate bez kompromisa u kvaliteti i standardima.
- Erwin je više od desetljeća bio povezan s IRONMAN Group u različitim kapacitetima, uključujući Regionalnog direktora za IRONMAN EMEA (Španjolska, Portugal, Austrija, Švicarska, Hrvatska, Bahrein i Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati).
- Erwin je također sudjelovao kao profesionalni plivač od 2000. do 2009. godine, uključujući dva puta na Svjetskom prvenstvu i četiri puta na Europskom prvenstvu.
“Izuzetno smo sretni što smo pronašli Erwina, iskusnog profesionalca u sportskom i međunarodnom poslovanju s bogatim iskustvom u razvoju profitabilnih sportskih platformi poput IRONMAN-a, SPARTAN-a i HIGHLANDER-a. Želim dobrodošlicu Erwinu u KK Cibonu kako bi pomogao KK Ciboni da postane profitabilno dioničarsko društvo”, izjavio je Tomislav Šerić, direktor KK Cibone.
Erwin je magistar sportskih znanosti i ima magisterij iz poslovne administracije. Danas je Erwin osnivač i izvršni direktor ZENIQ-a, kojeg je vodio do pozicije vodeće blockchain platforme.
Photo: @DearLeaderJoe / KK Cibona
Mr. Erwin Dokter to Join KK Cibona as newest Assembly Member
KK Cibona is announcing today that Mr. Erwin Dokter, the Chief Executive Officer and Founding Partner of ZENIQ Corporation is joining as the new Assembly member of KK Cibona. Mr. Erwin Dokter brings tremendous sports management and event management experience to KK Cibona as the new Assembly Member.
Erwin has tremendous background with more than Twenty Five years of direct experience in developing world class sporting companies:
- As the ex-Chief Operating Officer at Highlander Adventure, Erwin led the company towards profits in a result-oriented environment without compromising on quality and standards.
- Erwin was associated with the IRONMAN Group for more than a decade in various capacities, including Regional Director, IRONMAN EMEA (Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Croatia, Bahrain and UAE)
- Erwin also participated as a professional swimming athlete from 2000-2009 including twice in World Championship and four times in European Championship.
“We are extremely happy to have found Erwin, an experienced professional sports and International business person with rich background in developing profitable sports platforms as IRONMAN, SPARTAN and HIGHLANDER. I would like to welcome Erwin to KK Cibona as to help KK Cibona into a profitable privatized share-holding club” commented Tomislav Seric, Director of KK Cibona.
Erwin holds A Magister in Sports Science and a Master’s in Business Administration. Today, Erwin is the founder, Chief Executive Officer of ZENIQ which he lead to become the leading blockchain platform.